Data Services

The Data Suite's Modeling and Analytical tools provide you with business intelligence that is easy to understand and apply. From Predictive Modeling to Customer Profiling with Geo-targeting and Customer Mapping included, our proprietary system delivers:

Predictive Modeling - Predicts behaviors simulated by customers in your database. We provide you with a scored (ranked) list of prospects that resembles your best customers. Basic applications include identifying:

  • Your Best Customers - Increase customer lifetime value
  • New Customers through Customer Cloning - Identifies the traits and buying habits of your top customers and finds prospects that resemble them
  • Lost Customers - Regain customers that have not bought from you recently

Identify Your Market Reach - Upload your customer data for mapping and modeling to:

  • Clearly see where your customers are located
  • Identify clusters of your customers in certain neighborhoods or regions
  • Identify "pockets" of geography where you have little or no penetration

Customer Profiling - Find out what your current customers look like. We will analyze your ideal customer profile and uncover consumer segments that will improve your customer acquisition and retention efforts. Our approach uses empirical evidence contained in your customer database to identify:

  • Traits of buyers who use specific service
  • Target audience or segments that are unique in composition of age, income, home ownership, lifestyle, etc.
  • Services that are appropriately marketed together.

We apply the findings to develop the target audience and segments with look-a-like prospects so you can create campaigns for the customer base gaps as identified in the profile. The result is the ability to develop messages and images that are relevant and more personal, thereby increasing conversion rates.  




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